Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
9TH December
Does your child have difficulties with developing good reading, writing and spelling skills? Do they have a diagnosis of (or suspected) dyslexia?
Do they struggle with developing maths skills and have difficulty understanding number? Are you looking for ways to support your young person?
Do you want support for dyslexia or dyscalculia type difficulties? Is private 1-1 tuition out of reach financially?
Join a live lesson with me to cover specific reading writing and spelling tasks.
Join in with multisensory tasks or complete later.
Short workbook included.
Join a live lesson with me to cover specific reading writing and spelling tasks.
Join in with concrete, pictorial abstract activities
Complete the workbook for the lesson.
Half termly celebration of achievements via Zoom.
Certificates of achievement.
Do you suspect your child may have dyslexia but is undiagnosed?
Join us in weekly lessons and activities.
Each lesson will include some of the following:
-alphabet activities
-memory games
-phonological awareness work
-opportunities for reading, writing and spelling
-a game
This will be supported by a workbook and an additional game and notes for home.
Week 1 -
the alphabet arc, vowels, consonants, long and short vowels, breve, and macron.
Week 2
sp, st, sn blends
Week 3
plural s, nouns and verbs
Week 4
Contracted words and apostrophes
Week 5
Capital letters and full stops
Week 6
Week 7
end blends nt, nd
Week 8
th digraph
MONDAYS 11:15 am - 12:00 Week 1 September 30th
Week 2 October 7th
Week 3 October 14th
Week 4 October 21st
Week 5 11th Nov
Week 6 18th Nov
Week 7 25th Nov
Week 8 2NDDec
Week 9 9th Dec
Join us in weekly lessons and activities.
Each lesson will include some of the following:
-teaching using a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach
-opportunities for problem solving
-a game
This will be supported by a workbook and an additional game and notes for home.
Please note there are two levels of learning. These are different lessons. Choose the one you think best fits your child.
Week 1 -
Group 1 - Number bonds for ten
Group 2 - Place Value to 1,000, 000
Week 2
Group 1 - Doubling Numbers to 10.
Group 2 Greater than less than, equal to.
Week 3
Group 1 Near Doubles
Group 2 Halving Numbers
Week 4
Group 1 Addition and subtraction
Group 2 Doubling Numbers
Week 5
Group 1 Numbers to 100
Group 2 Column Addition
Week 6
Group 1 Number bonds to 100
Group 2 Rounding to the nearest 10
Week 7
Group 1 Place value with HTO
Group 2 Rounding to the nearest 100
Week 8
Group 1 addition and subtraction as inverse operations.
Group 2 column subtraction
TUESDAYS 09:00 - 09:45 group 1
10:00 - 10:45 group 2
Week 1 Oct 1st
Week 2 October 8th
Week 3 Oct 15th
Week 4 Oct 22nd
Week 5 12th Nov
Week 6 19th Nov
Week 7 26th Nov
Week 8 3rd Dec
These lessons on a Monday are aimed at children who have some knowledge of individual letter sounds but need support with blends and digraphs (sh/th/ch/ ai/ ea etc). We will cover spelling rules, strategies for decoding new words, basic punctuation and reading sight words.
These 09:00 am lessons on a Tuesday are aimed at children who struggle with basic number sense. They need support to see patterns in numbers and to understand how numbers work. We work on basic number skills initially and use concrete manipulatives to support learning. As a reference, in week 1 we look at number bonds to 10.
These 10:00 am lessons on a Tuesday are aimed at children who are ready for some more difficult concepts but still need a small steps approach using concrete manipulatives and visual support. We work with larger numbers and develop skills methodically and sequentially. As a reference, in week 1 we look at reading numbers in the millions and develop skills of place value.
multisensory accumulative lessons
resources list emailed to parents
Join me in a live lesson to apply the multisensory learning
Complete the workbook.
Complete additional games and activities at home.
concrete. pictorial abstract approach
resources list emailed to parents
Join me in a live lesson each week (sessions will also be recorded).
Complete the workbook.
Complete additional games and activities at home.
£3.99 per week per family
ways to support and encourage reading
spelling tips and techniques
memory support
reading tasks
reading tasks
games to play at home
celebration Zoom calls
2 levels of groups Group 1 basic numeracy skills.
Group 2 - Upper KS2/ KS3 Maths
choose sessions tailored to your needs.
concrete, pictorial abstract approach
games to play at home
celebration zoom calls
Nicola is a specialist teacher for dyslexia and dyscalculia. She tutors and mentors children and young people who have SEND and young people who are unable to attend school. She also offers webinars to parents to empower them to support their children.
She taught in mainstream schools for 21 years before leaving the profession to home educate her own children.
She is a professional member of PATOSS, The British Dyslexia Association and the Dyslexia Guild. She holds an Assessment Practising certificate enabling her to carry out diagnostic assessments for Disabled Students Allowance.
Nicola is passionate about the right of all children to receive an education suitable to their needs and abilities.
Buy recordings of the previous lessons £3.99.
Email: [email protected]
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